Do This To Relieve Year-End Stress​

Today we celebrate reaching Week 51 of this project – together! With just two holiday-shortened weeks remaining in 2020, what’s the best use of your time right now?

Before I share my tactical recommendation, now is a perfect time to look out your window, breathe, and consider that we have reached the Winter Solstice. Starting tomorrow you’ll receive more light every day. Let that thought refresh you before you turn your thoughts back to all the tasks you want to complete before midnight next Thursday.

This week’s task will relieve some stress: prepare your year-end messages for the digital media you plan to use, and decide exactly when you’re going to execute. Make a meeting with yourself so you won’t be rushed when the time comes. You can absolutely repurpose, repeat, and cross-post copy. Pull out your draft copy, add your final touch for your year-end online solicitation, and block out the time on your calendar when you are going to send that email and/or post on your organization’s social media pages.

Bonus task if you have a moment to do it this week: remind your close stakeholders that they can help the cause by boosting your posts and forwarding emails to their contacts with a personal note.

It will lower year-end anxiety to know that you have given yourself the time you need to do each step. Once it’s there, you can move on with your week and not worry about whether you’re going to find the time to make sure your year-end asks are made. My recommendation is that you post and send one round of your messages next Monday or Tuesday, and again on the 31st. If you’re lucky enough that you can delegate this task, be sure to calendar a little time to support and show your appreciation for the person who will make it happen.

Wishing a merry Christmas to those who observe, and a happy Solstice to all you Druids and Earth People out there. See you next week when we can cross the finish line together.

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