Year-End Giving, 2020 Edition​

Welcome to Week 49! You have arrived in the moment you’ve been preparing for all year. Schedule your time this week, either in one big block or small bites, to ensure that the people you’re counting on to give are asked and thanked, warmly and personally. Whether you will be doing most of the solicitation yourself or supporting Board and Committee members who are asking, that’s all this week is about. And it’s going to be extra intense because 2020. Consider this:

In a normal year, the second and third weeks in December are the only time of year that certain earners and businesses make their giving decisions. For prospects whose livelihood depends on a few large, irregular payments, like high-ticket commissions or portions of awards and settlements, this time of year presents your only opportunity to solicit. Businesses with unpredictable revenue and a calendar fiscal year typically take stock in mid-December to determine how much money they have for year-end distributions like bonuses and charitable gifts.

But: this is 2020, and multitudes have felt – or found — that their income is unpredictable. Donors suspended charitable giving to ensure they could cover essentials; with the election over and promising vaccine news boosting the market, more people than ever will be making their giving choices this month. Go back to your donors who skipped making their usual gift earlier in the year; they may be feeling more confident now.

Take care of yourself and be sure to show lots of appreciation to your donors and the people who are closing gifts. Stay strong so you can sprint through the tape on the 31st!

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